zaterdag 31 mei 2014

Natural sadness

Waving seas of windy green
Far beyond civilization
a true nature's exhibition
and fragile to be seen
a raging fire waiting for the rain
on the great plain

In roots lies culture
in the ground of nature
Earth, a gentle nurse
and humanity built upon a curse

Truth let beyond bucks and grease
and with incredible ease
raped richness of the seas
spilled among our fingers and hands
doomed to be bare our children's lands

Below a moon smiling with a forced grin
Staring to fishes in death pinned
Gazing to elephants in their prime broken
and the hunters, behind a lion, finally taken
Shimmering shades in the rain forests
in front of our eyes an ultimate test

History of the past fifty years to be forgotten
Traditions to be mended, healed
a wrong route to turn in a strong wind
Tears along beaches oil tinted
Frozen sadness along blood covered seals
Their corpses, on the ice, slowly rotten
Mentality of the past fifty years to be forgotten

An honest and beautiful earth endangered
and a humanity to be rearranged

dinsdag 13 mei 2014

Cloud of sound

On a cloud of sound
I'm wandering around
Can't feel solid soil
liquid I am between words
and language of places
well known to me once

On a cloud of sound
I'm looking around
to a life that was never mine
Never felt that fine
below the rays of eternal sunshine
Got to hold my own line
in the empty air
Floating with lethal flair

On a cloud of sound
I view upon grounds
strange lines upon my eye
of what was once used to me
Now I am lonely free
Sociability nor contact can I
link to this state of grief
on this cloud of sound

I post this one, even though it's quite personal, for all those out there who have to go through their days with a damaged hearing. It's not always easy in (new) groups and chance encounters but we can do it nonetheless. Now, seven years later, I find I can handle it much easier than I could before but it gave me some whippings while growing up. This is a reminder of those hard times. I sometimes read it again once in a while to remind me of this struggle I keep on winning. I hope I can convey that same sentiment to others out there. It's always nice to remember you're not the only one.

zaterdag 10 mei 2014

Old boy's dream

It's an old boy's dream, freed from the seams
harking back to days of joyful play
on the floor the stories unfolded
wheels and future could-be's revolved

It's an old boy's dream, a sporting machine
quite some rust, quite some tear and wear
flaking dust, been on the roads god knows where
but now it resides in my own juvenile eyes

Boys will be boys, my mother did sight
My father just told me to do what I'd like
and now my sister declares me a branded fool
for this piece of misery, it's just a tool

But it's an old boy's dream, my own sporting machine ...

dinsdag 6 mei 2014

A sudden squall of rain

A sudden squall of rain
surprised the fields, green of spring
A smell of the rain on the dry earth
while my companion, all senses awake
walks with his muddy paws, next to me

A sudden squall of rain
surprised the climbing lark, its song a joyful ring
while the hares look for shelter in their berth
the forest shakes the drops upon our wake
while my companion leaps up happily, next to me